
Bfa tsm4 groups
Bfa tsm4 groups

bfa tsm4 groups

The first step is to go to The Undermine Journal and select our server and faction. Using Grouper we will quickly generate a TSM group onto which we can add a Shopping Operation to shop for these potentially underpriced items on our server. This is useful for gold-makers looking to find items that we could flip for a profit. The Undermine Journal has a fantastic "Great Deals" page that shows you items it thinks may be underpriced. You'll be amazed at what you can do with Grouper. While I am giving you a few examples be sure to use your imagination. The two examples I am going to use are building a shopping list for a "Great Deals" page on The Undermine Journal and creating a shopping list for Crafted Dreadful Plate items using links from Wowhead. I thought I'd go over a few examples for people so you can see Grouper in action. If you can somehow get a webpage that will show links to the items, Grouper will create a auctioning groups or shopping list for it. This could be for transmog items, crafted items and anything in between. You can use Grouper anytime you need to create TSM groups that include a large numbers of items. (See MoP "Uber" Blue TradeSkillMaster Dealfinding Lists.)

bfa tsm4 groups

I used Grouper in this way to create my "Uber" Blue TSM Dealfinding lists. One of the common things I use Grouper for is creating temporary shopping lists from The Undermine Journal's "Great Deals" page.Īnother use I've found for Grouper is creating shopping lists for specific item or item sets that I want to make dealfinding lists for. You may be asking "Do I have to copy each link one-by-one into Grouper?" The answer is No! The beauty of Grouper is that you can copy and paste lots of links into the window and Grouper will handle them all with ease. Grouper will then generate text which can be imported into TSM as a group. You highlight the webpage with the links you want to make a list out of and paste them into the large box in Grouper and press the "GROUP IT NOW!" button. Grouper allows you to copy and paste large sections of websites that include WoW item links ( Wowhead, The Undermine Journal, Wowuction etc.) and instantly generate Auctioning Group and Shopping Lists that can be imported into TradeSkillMaster. The simplest answer is that Grouper saves time.


Read on for our guide on how to use Grouper to speed up your importable TSM group creation.

bfa tsm4 groups

Grouper can always be found by using the "Grouper" link at the top of Power Word: Gold. Grouper is based off of SLAGIT which was created by our longtime livestream viewer Rootfix and has been hosted at Power Word: Gold for a good while. The tool has been fully updated to work with TradeSkillMaster 2.0's new group import format. We've created a tool for creating importable TradeSkillMaster (TSM) groups from almost any webpage that includes links to World of Warcraft items.

Bfa tsm4 groups